
If at first you don't succeed...

Given that this is about, oh, my twentieth attempt at blogging, that post title has acquired the kind of irony reserved for expressions like "f*cking for virginity", "war on terror", or "you've misunderestimated me".

I've been inspired, after a fashion, by some amazing blogs I've encountered over the past few days. And the reason for me encountering them is a renewed and intense interest in world events, above-and-beyond this cushy island continent I've been lucky enough to call home. This renewal was triggered initially by my decision to relocate to the UK later this year, but was fuelled by the lead up to the electrifying 2008 presidential election in America, and sustained by events like the farcical installation of Dmitry Medvedev as the president of Russia, Israel's vindictive war on Gaza, the assassination of outspoken Sri Lankan journalist Lasantha Wickrematunge, Robert Mugabe's openly insane crusade to suck Zimbabwe dry and piss on its corpse... And the rest.

So anyway, my blog. I started this one up originally as some kind of creative outlet, with the intention of forcing myself to regularly post either a dodgy piece of writing, or a dodgy drawing, or a dodgy phone-cam pic. Of course, the initial momentum petered out eventually [as I've mentioned before, the internet is littered with the dessicated husks of my previous attempts] and the blog has languished in cyberspace ever since.

Now I once again have the strange urge to make my presence known, however minute, in blogworld, but am unsure how to go about it. I notice the best blogs tend be centred around some particular theme, but I'm blowed if i know what my theme is. I tend to be a bit jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none, which leaves me chucking bits of internal flotsam & jetsam up at random intervals [self-discipline is always an issue].

How about I post a pic now? [See what I mean?]

I'll think on it.